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slope book
Anything you start with in your life will naturally be fun and exciting, but with time you will notice that it has become more difficult and less enjoyable until it reaches the lowest point, becoming an unbearable hell.
The goal of the book is how to accept this hell until you get out of it and be free, and this hell is called the slope. And how to make your way through the groove.

First thought: Trying to be the best in the world is met with extreme lightness
If you want to be the best in the world, you must learn the art of quitting. But before being the best, why would you want to be the best?
The answer is because people do not have enough time in this life. If you are mentally ill and need treatment, you will not go from one doctor to another, but rather you will go directly to the best doctor, right? Likewise, if you want to learn a skill, you will go directly to buy the best course on the Internet, right? I hope you are convinced of the importance of being the best. 
  Most people tell you to persevere, work hard, and never give up on your dream, and that if you quit, you will inevitably fail, so why should people with less talent than you win?
Withdrawal is an art, you must learn the strategy of withdrawal and when to withdraw, otherwise you will fail to get what you want, those who fail are the ones who quit what they are doing when they find it painful.
There are two curves that you will encounter on your way to achieving an achievement.
The first curve is called the groove. At first it is easy and fun, and with time you will fall into the groove hell. And the groove is the separation between you now and what you want to be. The writer does not agree with the idea of diversifying tasks and gave an example of a woodpecker that he will not achieve anything by clicking thousands of trees, but if he clicks one tree a thousand times, he will get what he wants, and so will you.

Choose the thing you want to be the best in, so do not quit when you reach the groove, because you will waste the time you invested, and if you see that you will not be able to pass it, then why should you fall into it! Being in the online world means increasing competitors, so you really have to strive to be the best.

There are eight curves in the groove that you must be ready to cross in order to be the best in each of them and they are:

Manufacturing Groove Comfort Zone: Starting to build something  Groove: Buy crafting equipment because you will need money
Sales Groove Comfort Zone: Selling Your Idea to Stores   The Groove: Develop Your Merchandise 
Education Groove Comfort Zone: Leaving School   The Groove: Learn something new
  Comfort Zone: Staying in your comfort zone  Groove: getting out of the comfort zone

Relationship Groove Comfort Zone: Relationships Just for Fun   Al-Ukhdood: investing time and working with them
Concept Groove Comfort Zone: Stay As You Are  Groove: Change your concepts
Ego groove comfort zone: self-reliance and vanity  Groove: Handing things over to a better person
Distribution Groove Comfort Zone: Product Distribution to Any Retailers   The groove: its distribution at a difficult place

NASA built a space shuttle, but they faced a dead end, not a groove, yet they did not withdraw from this project, and the reason is simply because they are used to it. Now the question is, do you have the courage to withdraw when you face a dead end? 
Withdraw at dead ends and do not give up at the grooves, and do something exceptional to be the best in the world, and mediocrity is for losers only, you deserve the best. The grooves are the secret of the exceptional. When you want to be employed in the KOC oil company, you have to send your resume, pass the test, and pass the interview, so that they know who really wants the job. Your way to be the first is what enables you to deal with short-term troubles.  

Second thought: If you can't become #1, you better quit now!
Leaving the dead end is not a failure, but a cleverness in order not to waste all your energy on nothing, and use it in order to cross the rut you will face. Don't just adapt, coping is often because there is a dead end, so coping = bad withdrawal.
"Never quit" is a joke that you will hear a lot, so you have to understand it before you apply it, as it is either advice or a joke. If it were advice, it would be, "Don't withdraw from something that has a good future and you just can't stand its pressure."
Perhaps the reason for not withdrawing and staying in the curse of the dead end is your ego, because you will waste a lot, just like Richard Nixon, who sacrificed tens of thousands of innocent lives when he refused to withdraw from Vietnam.
There are three questions you should ask yourself before you quit:

The first question: Do I feel afraid?
Fear is a temporary feeling that must happen and do not withdraw from it, but rather wait for it to end and then make your decision. The reason people give up early is because they don't have a plan, so giving up is the easiest decision they make.
Question 2: What am I trying to influence?
  It's time to withdraw, how hard it is to change people's thinking. And when we talk about the market, the matter is different. Every step you take to climb it takes you to a higher level. The rules there are different and the people too. 
Question 3: What kind of progress am I making that can be measured?
The kind of progress you make should be forward, not backward, not in place. It cannot be measured only by bonus or promotion, but by achieving achievements that were previously impossible. If you continue with your project, thinking that your presence in the market is sufficient to justify your efforts, although it does not attract new customers, or make you move forward, what is the purpose of it, then you are revolving in the same place?
You are qualified to be the best in the world, and how dare you be content with mediocrity?
Make a plan to tackle the biggest gully possible. A groove is bigger than you, and if you cannot, do not waste your energy in vain. Withdraw and draw up a plan that makes you ready to face another groove, and be the best in the world.



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